cameroon what are the specific water sources the lions exploit?

The main aquifer in this basin is formed of unconsolidated Pliocene (Tertiary)-Quaternary sands, which form an upper and a lower aquifer, separated by a clay layer. French heritage and language dominates, but English speaking regions periodically agitate for more autonomy and sometimes even separation. Many springs occur. 1). This is due to the lower contribution of buffalo to female diet in the early dry season which is compensated by an increase in other species consumption (Table 1). Seasonal surface-water dynamics thus, influences the probability which predators can find prey and is likely to have several consequences for the ecology of predator-prey interactions. Where is the Republic of Cameroon located in the world? Miniature waterfalls sprung up overnight cascading down rocky outcrops and bursting over gullies, only to disappear again at the first sign of sunshine. . The Lake Chad basin contains three main geological units: a upper Quaternary-Lower Pliocene series; the Tertiary Continental Terminal; and the lower Cretaceous series of the Hamadien Continental and the Continental Intercalaire (GWP 2013). In both rural and urban areas, people suffer because of the poor water quality in Cameroon. Our safari planners aren't available now. The city of Harare is supplied with water from Lakes Chivero and Darwendale or Manyame river, Seke and Harava dams on the outskirts of the city. What water sources do lions exploit in zimbabweabout school : Do sloths kill themselves by grabbing their arms; What water sources do lions exploit in zimbabwemaryland lacrosse camps 2021. For females, buffalo were followed by kudu (16%), the class medium Bovidae (13%), giraffe (12%), zebra (9%) and elephant (8%), together accounting for 91% of the prey detected (Table 1). Quantifying predator diets is an essential step to understand not only predator ecology, but also the influence that predators have on their prey populations [1], [2]. The MCP method is the oldest one used among home range analysis methods ( Burt, 1943; Mohr, 1947), being the smallest convex polygon that encompasses all the lion locations, either using all the locations (MCP100%) or by first removing 5% of the outliers in the dataset (MCP95%) ( Powell, 2000 ). 18, ST/TCD/5. In contrast, analysis of faeces tends to be biased against species with less hair, such as elephants, and very large bodied prey for which the body surface/volume ratio is smaller than for smaller species [37], and hence the likelihood of predators eating hairs is smaller. 1998). Cameroon is rich in national parks and wildlife reserves, including the Waza National Park in the north (which contains both forest and savanna animals), the Dja Faunal Reserve (a UNESCO World Heritage site), and the Campo Ma'an National Park in the southwest (which has elephants, hippos, leopards, and plenty of primates). (A) Mean distance to a waterhole for kills for the different prey species. : 19 192 m3/year, Per Capita in 2005 As in data were modified to ensure consistency with water resources data. Effect of diffuse recharge and wastewater on groundwater contamination in Douala, Cameroon. However, water quality in Cameroon has improved in the last decade. We thank Matt Hayward, Craig Tambling and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on a previous draft. Karoo Rural population with access to safe drinking water (%), Urban population with access to safe drinking water (%), Population affected by water related disease, Total internal renewable water resources (cubic metres/inhabitant/year), Total exploitable water resources (Million cubic metres/year), Freshwater withdrawal as% of total renewable water resources, Total renewable groundwater (Million cubic metres/year), Exploitable: Regular renewable groundwater (Million cubic metres/year), Groundwater produced internally (Million cubic metres/year), Fresh groundwater withdrawal (primary and secondary) (Million cubic metres/year), Groundwater: entering the country (total) (Million cubic metres/year), Groundwater: leaving the country to other countries (total) (Million cubic metres/year, Industrial water withdrawal (all water sources) (Million cubic metres/year), Municipal water withdrawal (all water sources) (Million cubic metres/year), Agricultural water withdrawal (all water sources) (Million cubic metres/year), Irrigation water withdrawal (all water sources), Irrigation water requirement (all water sources), Cultivated land (arable and permanent crops) (ha), Area equipped for irrigation by groundwater (ha), Area equipped for irrigation by mixed surface water and groundwater (ha). Nigeria, Chad, the Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, the Republic of the Congo. Vernal pools are a type of wetlands - sometimes resembling larger puddles. Kill sites were classified based on the forensic evidence of a kill. Here, we used a combination of the two approaches to provide the most complete description of lion diet in Hwange National Park, an approach that has already proved very useful for large carnivore diet in other systems [3][4], [38]. PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, Jacobs index finally revealed a very strong preference for kills within 2 km from a waterhole for all prey species, except small antelopes, in all seasons. More information on the derivation and interpretation of these statistics can be seen on the FAO Aquastat website. African elephants that have become accustomed to the relentless cycles of drought in Etosha and map its water sources in their memories. The Project was supported by the Eppley Foundation, Panthera Foundation and the kind generosity of Rivington and Joan Winant, Adrian Gardiner and the Lilian Jean Kaplan Foundation. The prey items detected were categorised similarly to the prey detected from the kills. First, seasonal importance of each species was assessed by (i) investigating, for lion males and females separately, the frequency of occurrence of prey species at kills, and (ii) comparing seasonal results from faecal data with no sex differentiation. Water dependence varies between herbivore species [11], [13] but most species need to access drinking water on a few-day basis at the peak of the dry season, and herbivore aggregations frequently form around permanent water sources during dry seasons, as non-permanent sources further afield dry up [14], [15]. Lions of the okavango delta. It was not possible to quantify biomass rigorously from faecal samples, as prey age and sex were not discernible from hair remains. We use cookies to analyse how visitors use our website and to help us provide the best possible experience for users. Most groundwater in Cameroon is thought to be of good natural inorganic quality. Groundwater from volcanic aquifers is widely used by the bottled water industry. Officially known as the Republic of Cameroon, this country is surrounded by six other African countries, as well as three bodies of water. Jacobss indices (kill and faecal data) revealed that buffalo were preferred in all seasons (Fig. Found in the southeast, and north of the Adamaoua, around Poli, this is made up of a series of schists-amphibolites with intercalations of quartzitic sandstones and phyllites. The main rivers in the south of the country are the Ntem, Nyong, Sanaga, and Wouri, which flow southwestward or westward into the Gulf of Guinea. During the study period, adult male and female lions were sighted together in only 7% of the sightings (n=1710). Jacobss indices based on kills also revealed that female lions showed also a preference for kudu, medium Bovidae and Suidae in all seasons (Fig. The upland regions have highland forest type vegetation. Recharge occurs to the confined aquifer only in limited areas (GWP 2013). Nasilele mubita says her family was always complaining of diarrhoea as they shared a water source. Then-Gov. The least mineralised groundwater overall is in basement aquifers. However, much of the shallow groundwater is vulnerable to contamination. For more information on the map see the, Land Cover Map of Cameroon, from the European Space Agency GlobCover 2.3, 2009. Swakopmund, Namibia Cameroon has a dense network of perennial rivers. Accessed [date you accessed the information]. More information is available in the report Groundwater in North and West Africa: Cameroon (1988) (see References section, below). Water and Sanitation Program. Seasonal variation in relative contribution to lion kills by different prey species are shown in Fig. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Cameroon What Are The Specific Water Sources The Lions Exploit? Responsibility for the construction and management of rural wells and boreholes has been transferred to communes (AMCOW 2011). The two aquifers are separated by mudstones of the Nkappa formation. It was in Etosha that a study proved that elephant can communicate using infrasonic sounds; they literally bounce these off a thermal inversion layer in the atmosphere. A BGR project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) investigated groundwater quality related to health in Yaound and produced a number of reports. Your email address will not be published. Groundwater Need Assessment - Lake Chad Basin. In spite of the presence of a stand tap at the centre of the village, many villagers still rely on the water source. In terms of quantity, it is the second potential in. spesification They fill small basins at the base of trees or or in natural depressions in the landscape with rainwater or snow melt. The whole country suffered from droughts in 1981-87, 1991-1999, 2001-2005 . Bundesanstalt fr Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR). These are dominantly basalts, with occasional intermediate to acidic phonolites, trachytes and rhyolites, and some loose pyroclastic and tuffaceous ash on the flanks of the volcanic centres. (2013) Seasonal Diet and Prey Preference of the African Lion in a Waterhole-Driven Semi-Arid Savanna. Recent advances in GPS technology has allowed non invasive carcass observations and faecal analysis to gain increasing knowledge on large mammalian carnivores diet [3], [4], and has also permitted to study the spatial distribution of kills providing important information for predator-prey relationships [5]. Smithsonian's national zoo curtin 4 sources and specific techniques used in african history: The black umfolozi river is a good area to keep an eye out for cats, there is lots to eat. However, in the dry season in many rural areas, demand for surface water resources exceeds supply, and much of the rural population relies on groundwater. Africa Groundwater Atlas >> Hydrogeology by country >> Hydrogeology of Cameroon. For each hair the cross-section and a scale pattern was photographed and identified to species level using photographic reference libraries [30][33] as well as unpublished photographic reference libraries compiled from carcass, capture and museum specimen animals in situ in Zimbabwe. We were horrified seeing first hand the daily struggle for survival these precious women faced and our hearts went out to them. Where multi-species classes were defined, biomass was calculated as the average mass of the species included. 1. From just 26 in 1954, their numbers have swelled to over 2,500. 1 More information on irrigation water use and requirement statistics. Altitude varies from 800 m to 1100 m and rainfall data were available from 1918 to 2007. Climate, Hydrology and Water Resources in Cameroon. High rainfall means high potential recharge potential in much of Cameroon, except in the arid north, and the limitations on groundwater potential are therefore largely related to low aquifer storage and permeability in the basement rocks across much of the country. UN Human Development Index (HDI) [highest = 1] (2014)*. Our results showed that lions are opportunist hunters with prey ranging from mice to elephant. Constructing a 3D geological model from geophysical data for groundwater modelling and management in the Kribi-Campo sedimentary sub-basin, Cameroon. Twelve-year-old Akoela Francis Kame and his younger brother walk one-kilometer each day to fetch water here. Water Supply and Sanitation in Cameroon. Lion kills were located in a preferentially selected zone around artificial waterholes, suggesting that these scarce resources form passive traps for ungulate prey. Below this there can be a deeper fractured aquifer, which usually has low permeability. Mambele, situated some 800 km from the nations capital Yaounde, is one of 21 communities around Lobeke with over 23000 inhabitants. Given the propensity of kill investigations to be biased towards large prey, this is likely an underestimation and it should be considered that juvenile zebra are highly selected for by lions. 2018. Further water and related statistics can be accessed at the Aquastat Main Database. View our recommended safaris for inspiration and get ready to plan your dream safari, Contact us or fill out an enquiry form and one of our travel experts will help you tailor make your perfect safari, Enjoy an authentic African experience, with peace of mind, Namibia Tsavo Parks and Chyulu Hills Complex - Unesco. We expected lion kill locations to be influenced by the trend in prey aggregation at artificial waterholes, resulting in seasonal variation in kill distribution; closer to waterholes in dry periods and further away in wet periods. Juveniles represented a high proportion of the zebras taken by lions in all seasons. Buffalo consistently emerged as the most frequently utilised prey in all seasons by both male (56%) and female (33%) lions, contributing the most to lion dietary biomass. Copyright: 2013 Davidson et al. While many streams meander through the forested areas of East Cameroon, only few springs like that of Mambele are drinkable. There are a number of natural lakes in Cameroon. Cameroon has one of the strongest economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Chari has a length of 590 miles, part of which forms international border between Chad and Cameroon. The Dja and Kad drain southeastward into the Congo River. They are the most recent available information in the Aquastat database. The former French colony won independence in 1960, and the former British colony joined with it in 1961. Marion Valeix, Overlap is water shared by both the surface water and groundwater systems: Cameroon is a fascinating country with incredible biodiversity and natural riches. Call us to speak to an experienced safari planner. In terms of quantity, it is the second potential in Africa after the Democratic Republic of Congo. Cameroon's location on the Atlantic coast in central Africa between latitude 2 and 13north, has a huge and diversified water resources potential. The consequence of consumption of such poor quality water is the spread of related diseases such as cholera and typhoid. Discover the magic of Devils Pool at Victoria Falls all your questions answered! Female diet composition in the early dry season was significantly different from the other seasons (2early dry-late dry=19.06, df=7, p=0.008; 2early dry-wet=20.34, df=7, p=0.005; 2late dry-wet=14.07, df=7, p=0.05).

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