airbnb differentiation strategy

In addition, for existing hosts, its more likely going to help retain hosts. Airbnb is far more than a platform to find inexpensive hotel accommodations. Created for the curious ties in quite well with the main header above the fold, people looking for a unique experience. Now we come to the sections that really show personalisation in use. aesthetic well cultured, colourful, and stylish. Airbnb are running a big operation on paid search. As the pages are predominantly image-based, they are missing out on opportunities to rank on page #1 and drive traffic for more location-based keywords. The only assumption we have is that its more effective in terms of conversions for Airbnb. This seems as good a place as any for it on the page. Airbnb take unorthodox approaches to get noticed in the offline world, and when they do, its not to promote themselves or their platform directly but to promote who they are. Community discussion forums/discussion portals, Tips can be shared easily from host to host, Featured posts which read like blog posts with relevant hosting content, Gamification of system top contributors get points for every comment they give + like they get small leaderboard of contributors, The Airbnb admins dont post often nor reply to other peoples posts regularly an opportunity to get more discussions trending. Through differentiation generic strategy, Airbnb positions its product offerings in a way to stand out and be different from the available alternatives. This shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone who sells a tangible product, but the way you present the product in images makes all the difference. From 2014 Airbnb experienced a consistent growth trajectory until December 2015, when over a two month period (Dec 2015 Feb 2016) traffic grew by another 96% from 257,640 to 505,165 visits. They could trial using a number of different Meta Descriptions as opposed to a single template to see if this has a positive impact. On average, Airbnb post every 3-4 days on Facebook, in comparison to Instagram where they post almost daily. But from SEMrush we can see that organic growth has been stagnant for the last year. While we focused on how it was done via email invitation, its a very similar process when sharing the link directly with friends. Based on 3 different assumptions, the potential impact of referrals could have a dramatic compound effect on the bottom line in a very good way indeed. READ/DOWNLOAD@] Formal Verification: An Essential, Knowledge Management Strategies A Multi Case Study Design, 5 lessons I learned as a design student that led to success, The Growing Importance of UX in Healthcare. It is also worth noting that paid search is capturing one website visitor for every two visitors captured from organic search in my experience, this is fairly typical of late-stage high growth companies that operate larger websites. As I go down the page, I see what the hot discussion topics are at the time in the worldwide community. . In the coming months, Airbnb is expected to become a listed company, with an initial public offering netting enormous wealth . On the right, I can see the credit I currently have, and what I need to do in order to get more. Airbnb seem to have concluded that there are more opportunities outside of just private accommodation listings, and have now branched into partnering with tour providers, hospitality companies, and more to provide a more comprehensive travel-related site for the user. If you want a growth strategy that leads the way in your industry, find out how Webprofits can help you transform your digital marketing. Download Free PDF. And then down the bottom, I see very easy instructions with simple steps of how the process works. To break down the visibility differences between, and Airbnb, we ran a keyword gap analysis through SEMrush. So, what can we learn from how the Airbnbs referral system mechanics and design work for them right now? B/c it has to be sooo much harder to track users potentially on many different domain names. But theres a great selection here in terms of price range. Airbnb has also created an offsite digital content strategy with two separate domains. However, the event was something of a dud participants mostly stayed away from the stations, preferring not to engage. When it comes down to an Airbnb vs. hotel, most people opt for an Airbnb because it's cheaper. But I dont think these are categorised by Geography. For the example of byron bay accommodation, Brendan found that Airbnb are bidding to be in either position 1 or position 2 of ads for related search terms, both branded and generic, and are receiving an estimated 2,326 visits per month to their ad. The final call to action is also positioned with low intent language: Ultimately, I like how Airbnb have approach their landing page strategy and Im sure the breath of dynamically generated pages as well as their recommendation engine was resource intensive. Why is this the case? The best way for Airbnb to improve their backlink profile ties into the recommendation given for keyword ranking improvements: develop a more aggressive content marketing strategy. Next we get some useful details about the property. If we refer back to the notion of video content being great for storytelling, it may be that Airbnb is happy enough with someone watching a video and if they click through to read the full article relating to that video, thats a bonus, the article perhaps has more value for SEO than social. This feature cannot be controlled by a website owner, and is solely dependent on Googles algorithm to display. There is an inconsistent breadcrumb structure implemented on the Airbnb website, which could also be impacting the websites organic performance. In its simplest form, Airbnb is an accommodation booking engine. Here are some world-famous examples of brand strategy done right! By creating evergreen content including short articles, in-depth guides and explainer videos, which speak to all stages of the funnel, the blog would have a clear value and focus. Something I found of interest and that may have had an impact on Airbnbs 2017/2018 growth was that there were several small Google algorithm updates made in December 2017 an unusual time for updates due to the impact these changes can have on eCommerce. It means I dont have to copy & paste emails (although you have that option) and the bulk of the work is done. Many global brands are still trying to work out ways to build & integrate successful community marketing initiatives as part of their overall marketing strategy. This move will enable professional hospitality companieslike small, independent boutique hotelsto have a place on the platform. "Designing for reintermediation . The plan provides an analysis and evaluation of Airbnb by reviewing the company's strategic management, profitability and market competitiveness. They havent over-complicated things, which makes it more enticing for a user to share. When it comes to keywords, Airbnb is limited only by the locations in which they have a presence. As we can see on the community portal page, the community centre is broken down into 3 core pillars: The primary focus for this content pillar is helping those who are hosts or potential hosts to connect with other hosts, share stories, ask for advice, and get updates from the Airbnb team. Im glad to hear you get a lot of value out of them, This is probably the best case study Ive ever seen for a long time. The posters became part of their Experiences feature, showcasing the resident artists beautiful designs. Consistency is key here as if it is not consistent, its harder for Googles spider bots to crawl the website, leading to longer indexation times and reduced impact when changes are made on the site. Just kidding, everyones heard of Airbnb. As Jacqui mentioned in her SEO section, they could also do more with their content to generate backlinks to their site and improve their organic search rankings. Not only did they revolutionise the travel industry, theyre one of the first startup unicorns to emerge in the mid-2000s and are emulated on every level from their business model and their map and search results, to their referral engines, and generally their outlook and approach to everything they do. This is what happens when we click Show invite details. Zooming out, Airbnb have shared that, not surprisingly, their email content is tailored based on information they have about the user. Notably, they havent made use of a Facebook Cover video, which is a missed opportunity to introduce new users to their brand in a creative and engaging way similar to the homepage of a website. Ideally, wed look at this in terms of a breakdown of spend, but unfortunately there is no way to accurately gauge Airbnbs spend, so were best using frequency as an indicator of spend. A breadcrumb structure comes from the childrens story of Hansel and Gretel, where they leave breadcrumbs as a trail to find their way home. Referrals have played an integral role in the overall growth strategy of the company and falls directly under the Growth Team Philosophy Our users tell the story better than we do. I always learn new things about digital marketing and business in general and always look forward to studying these case studies. I thought it was great back then, it got straight to the point and helped me get to where I needed to go while still looking aesthetically pleasing, but its evolved a lot since then. From an organic search perspective, there are two primary competitors of Airbnb: The Competitive Positioning Map above is a data visualisation based on Airbnb and its competitors organic traffic, as well as the number of keywords that they rank for in Googles top 20 organic search results. But what about my browsing history before that? Netflix has exclusive content, Airbnb has exclusive homes, and Cameo offers access to a su If you would like to get in touch with me, click here. Unfortunately, I think it misses the mark, again. This section is particularly important to have on the site. Even the description in the sub header is better, mainly because it says who its for. Airbnb's marketing strategy leverages every opportunity to communicate its value while remaining warm and inviting. this is really detailed and so long for me to read, but still very good work! Why would the user want to send this in the first place? I can see its about me and what I can earn if I become a host. A platform business model can be defined as a "business model that focuses on helping to facilitate interactions across a large number of participants" [2] In case of Airbnb, participants are host who offer their . Some people appreciate the luxury of staying in a hotel, knowing youll receive a professional service, including a properly maintained room. Differentiation. browse homes. There are several high-frequency pages like Canberra and Adelaide that, at the time of writing, do not feature a location-specific hero image and instead, feature a nondescript apartment image: This is an area of improvement if theyve got data to suggest a location-specific background image corresponds to a higher conversion rate. While competitors may have a similar product, Airbnb's . With a product approach like this, its no wonder theyre such a successful business. In all seriousness, when the emails are in and ready to send, Im now motivated as a user to easily share this with my friends or anyone whom I want to receive an invitation to join. Heavy investment in marketing, advertisement and celebrity . As widespread COVID-19 vaccinations make a return to travel more likely, here are three use cases where travelers may choose Airbnb over hotels. Key Differences. By commoditizing trust between property owners and short-term renters, Airbnb has become one of the most recognized companies in the hospitality industry. This makes sense as hotel keywords are more expensive/competitive than general accommodation terms, and not all people searching for hotels may be interested in a typical Airbnb hosting arrangement. In closing the only thing I would add that I think they should be doing more of on Stories is including a swipe up CTA earlier in their stories if theyre going to include one, perhaps even from the 2nd or 3rd tile depending on how long the full Story is. Heres an example of an email I received after looking at some places in Santa Monica: Lets breakdown this email section by section, there is a lot of things Airbnb are doing well: The heading and email subject line is tailored to a city I browsed and the dates I searched for. Its a great UX and user-generated content strategy. To successfully pull this off, some differentiation strategy education needs to take place. They can still capture the viewers of this video, without needing to worry about capturing them through website remarketing. So, how do you keep growing when everyone already knows who you are and will probably consider you as an option for your holiday, regardless of your marketing? By doing this, Airbnb are one again fostering a stronger sense of community between the hosts, but they are also saving themselves a lot of internal resources. The blog doesnt follow a set template for articles and there are several broad categories such as Wanderlust and Hospitality. They currently dont do much to get the people browsing these pages to move through the funnel and look at search results (its unclear whether looking at these pages when signed in triggers email sequences). For some locations, such as Phi Phi Islands, Airbnb are directing people to minimal navigation, shorter-form landing pages: From the landing page URL report, any URLs that contain /a/ are indicative of their shorter-form location landing pages, while /s/ is indicative of location website pages and Airbnb are actively using a combination of both for high-interest locations. Ultimately, over time this has helped Airbnb. We assume that Airbnb is creating content with a purpose and focus on distribution to drive that content to their audiences. This trend towards experience is being seen across many sectors and the value of which has been seen from the food industry and retail sector through to technology and finance. Using it as a reference to our paper. Instead, they provide the mobile-friendly option of SMS (and, of course, Facebook and Whatsapp) to make it a seamless experience. Tools such as Buffer and Hootsuite make this very easy for businesses to do. With email, in general, you always have to walk that line about what data would be beneficial to use and what comes along as too big brother. In fact, you could argue that Airbnb is predominantly a B2B business. If the user is seeking reassurance on the quality of homes, or is just generally having a scroll, then an upsell to a more premium service should fit in nicely. Airbnbs tend to cost less than hotels while offering more space. One question still remains for me: why do they choose the multiple/local domain names? Ill bring them up next to each other so its easier to see. These audiences can be great for honing in on your audience targeting later down the track. The statements are emotive and intriguing, making me want to find out more. However, there is one key difference that is prioritised in the mobile app which is different to the desktop experience. Airbnb Model can also pursue differentiation strategy based on the industry forces description in casename case study. The community that Airbnb has built is impressive, and the UX flow to tackle various discussions around the platform can be easily found. This period of updates was named the Maccabee Update by Search Engine Roundtables Barry Schwartz, and according to industry experts was focused around User Experience and impactful keyword permutations. I dont really understand the point though why these 8 properties? Each of the pages do have 2 consistent UX features like the homepage, including: Highlighting top contributors serves to show the wider community that numerous community members will help with answering any questions or queries that come their way. Our Airbnb 2022 predictions: The "Live Anywhere" theme has crept up into Airbnb's announcements since 2020. Can earn up to $3,401 this month. . Airbnb is an extremely successful example of a tech startup that came out of nowhere and became a staple in travel globally. Always thinking ahead, Chloe is interested in transformational changes to businesses and how relevant content and targeted messaging can catalyse high-level goals. . Live there. Airbnb differentiated its brand by offering an authentic local experience, an affordable price. Airbnb. Airbnbs Facebook content serves 3 main purposes: Lets take a more in-depth look at their content, its performance, and how they engage with their Facebook community. So bear with me while I explain them here, it will all make sense later . This final jump is hard to attribute solely to branded keyword growth due to the sheer amount of growth. The next section makes a lot of sense jump into the upsell. Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Rene Mauborgne, Positioning: The Battle Of Mind by Al Ries and Jack Trout, What is Strategy-HBR Article by Michael E. Porter, Good To Great by James C. Collins, Principles by Ray Dalio, . In order to normalize the behavior of staying strangers's homes and to host unknowned people, Airbnb put efforts in conveying the content of truthful experience to the public through their storytelling platforms (Midenhall, 2015). So, what have Airbnb done to construct and generate one of the best communities in the world? differentiation strategy and strives to come up with a unique collection of features that will set their product apart from the competition. Q&A Threads from both Airbnb Admin team, Top Contributors, or anyone part of the platform. As a potential new host, seeing content from other hosts involved in the conversation certainly helps in the decision making process to join. As you can see in the screenshot above of organic visibility above, the brand first began to gain keyword traction in January 2014, when traffic grew by 133% month on month. However, at some point Airbnb will reach a cap in the amount of branded search traffic they are able to achieve. Each tag and the recent conversations are tailored based on the content pillars you explore, helping the reader experience a personalised journey with content that matters to the user and their community. Its basic copywriting psychology you need to instantly show value right up front, which Airbnb have done here. Through the section Connect Locally, you come to this particular page. Its amazing what theyve been able to achieve over the years since they first introduced referrals into their platform in 2011. The staycation is also becoming more popular and I dont doubt that businesses like Airbnb have played a part in that. Log in or create an account, if you haven't already done so. When compared with, its evident who the backlink winner is: had close to 100,000 Referring Domains pointing to their website in 2013, while Airbnb has yet to reach the 7,000 Referring Domain mark. When looking at the types of posts they share to the Page, this is a mixture of imagery & video. Through feedback from attendees, they learned that far from not appreciating the commitment to beautifying their spaces with terrariums, they actually wanted to participate. Heres an example of Airbnb adding to the conversation in the comments of one of their posts. The three generic business strategies suggested by Michael Porter are : Cost Leadership strategy ( lower costs/broad target market), Differentiation strategy (product differentiation/broad target market) and Focus business strategies (lower cost or differentiation/narrow target market ). . In this section Ill be looking at how they use Facebook (both paid and non paid), Instagram, and Twitter to promote themselves, attract new guests and hosts, and keep existing users engaged. With this guarantee, Airbnb have assured hosts that should the absolute worst happen, they will be covered by the company that enabled the transaction. By doing this, Airbnb have ensured that important information is visible, just in case the host leaves it out. So what happens next? Highlights their hosts as a key part of the Airbnb experience. Personally, I dont email my friends often, especially at scale, so having these two options makes it feel easy just to share via these channels where I talk to my friends all the time. Each city has its own forum where the hosts can discuss the local issues or services specific to them. Oooof, this was loooong and pure gold Very nice effort! Airbnb uses differentiation strategy by making a new business model and providing the service which differentiates them from competitors. This is why improving their generic [location] accommodation organic keyword rankings should be a focus for the Airbnb marketing team, with a recommendation being a more aggressive content marketing strategy. The company uniquely leverages technology to economically empower millions of people around the world to unlock and monetize their spaces, passions and talents to become hospitality entrepreneurs.[3]. Airbnb have an extensive paid search account with the majority of the spend going towards terms that feature accommodation as a keyword. Their ad copy speaks to their unique points of difference and so stands out from their competitors, which one would assume would lead to significantly better performance.

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