what does barse mean ffxiv

Could also refer to substat breakpoints if discussing gear. Refers to the third expansion, its storylines, quests, or content which go up to level 80. Melee Jobs keep good uptime by staying within range to hit the boss. A flare marker consists of three outwards blue arrows. Generally considered a dump stat. UI User Interface. The people who review reports and punish players for breaking rules. Pot: Potions/Tinctures. E.g. See also: rotation. Skills like Meditate (SAM) and Improvisation (DNC) are usually used during downtime to build extra resources. HoT Heal over Time. As a WHM I usually start a dungeon pull with some Holy spam. Definitions.net. "Warriors of Light" are characters who attended the Battle of Carteneau and represent all 1.0 characters. WTB = Wants to buy; Used when advertising that you are buying specific items or services from other players. For more information, please see our MRD Marauder, the base class of Warrior. UWU = The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate), an ultimate-difficulty 8-player raid. Also refers to a single attempt at a fight, or a round up of enemies in a dungeon. Vets welcome. Usually refers to the Oceanian data center, Materia. Defamation = A debuff or mechanic type that will target the afflicted player with a large AoE, requiring them to be isolated from others. Check The Balance Discord to see what your jobs BiS is this tier. Could refer to the points you accumulate to level up, or familiarity with something. The SB zones are split between Gyr Abania and The Far East. Lets talk about how that mechanic works. A character needs to have sight (no walls/obstacles) of an enemy or ally to use actions on them. These are: Bard, Black Mage, Dragoon, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Scholar, Summoner, Warrior and White Mage. North, East, South, West. Blind Entering a duty without having watched or read a guide first. Subject to change! THM Thaumaturge, the base class of Black Mage. My swiftcast was down, so I slapped a regen on the tank and started hardcast raising people. Ex: Using Burst Shot has a 35% chance of obtaining Straight Shot Ready, allowing for use of Refulgent Arrow. BR: Boss Relative. May also refer to off-tank (see OT), or "secondary tank". GP Gathering Points. Gaol Jail. Usually refers to either the players or the Region which contains two Data Centers: Chaos and Light. ShB = Shadowbringers, the third expansion, considered version 5.0 of the game. Downtime Time during a fight in which you cannot damage the boss, e.g. Trash = Enemies found in dungeons and some older raids that comprise the majority of the enemies in the instance and are weaker than bosses. HQ = High Quality ; A higher quality version of a craftable item or gear that will give higher stats than it's Normal Quality (NQ) counterpart. The developers turn a blind eye to people using it (even on stream), as long as its not used in game to harass other players. We keep wiping at that part of the fight. An N indicates the normal version, but it is sometimes omitted. GC = Grand Company; The 3 main military forces of Eorzea (The Immortal Flames, The Maelstrom, and The Order of the Twin Adder). MidnightAmazon 8 yr. ago. Pull Begin a fight by getting the enemys attention. The description said to have enrage experience but half the party is dying in phase 2. DoW Disciple of War. P4S P2. A Tank not currently holding the boss attention. If you die again while its active, it becomes the more severe brink of death debuff. Release After being KOd, holding the button to return back to the start of the dungeon/fight instead of waiting for a raise. The player who wins the item will then leave the instance and forfeit rolls for the remaining loot. o/ Its a little person with their arm extended above their head in a wave. DNC Dancer, a Physical Ranged DPS Job (Shadowbringers). It levels up a Job of your choice immediately. GG Good Game. What does tea mean in ff14? Alexander: Gordias represents A1-A4, Alexander: Midas represents A5-A8, and Alexander: The Creator represents A9-A12. Most common BARSE abbreviation full form updated in May 2022 . Can run certain dungeons with you, or be sent on missions and earn items. WTS = Wants to sell; Used when advertising that you are selling specific items or services from other players. Voke Provoke, the Tank role action, which puts the user at the top of an enemys aggro list. Suggest. Buff Any beneficial effect, such as from food, an FC, or a combat skill. Comp Composition. Bring DPS: The party leader expects high levels of damage. It doesnt matter which debuff you get, youll always go to the same position. Refers to the fourth expansion, its storylines, quests, or content which go up to level 90. E.g. Could also refer to the Collectors Edition of FFXIV or one of its expansions. EW Endwalker. NW, NE, SE, SW. KFF/K41: Kill for Friend. CW/CCW: Clockwise/Counter-clockwise. This is the most common AoE Marker you will see throughout your journey in Final Fantasy 14. Adds = Additional Enemies that spawn during boss fight. Popoto FFXIVs version of a potato. Sort of a story-based guild, and theres one for each of the three starting cities. Hardcast Cast a spell with a castbar, i.e. Earning gold will get you 2 boxes per event with a total of 10 boxes by the end. The makeup of a party in terms of roles or Jobs. Your email address will not be published. The AoE location may be fixed or may be baited by players. I tried to save you but Cover was on CD. P1/P2: Phase 1/Phase 2. If you see a party finder group using an unfamiliar term, just ask them! What is the strongest DPS class in Ffxiv? Common phrase at the end of a duty. A bleed effect. Trap / Trap Party A party (in party finder) that is not performing well in a fight and seems unable to progress, especially if the party has overstated their capabilities/competence. (iLvl 50) Additional sets added every expansion at each new level cap. For example, "Login Server EX" could refer to very long login queue times during an expansion release. Any skill that is not on the Global Cooldown. Static A group of players formed with the intent of learning, practicing, and clearing one or more fights over many gaming sessions. Supposed to represent a person with their arm raised. Bring Markers: The party leader is asking for a member to provide waymarks for the duty. Fish = To repeat an action until it randomly activates a desired effect, e.g. healers 1st, tanks 2nd, melee DPS 3rd, ranged/caster DPS 4th. Beauiful beads and beaded jewelry are another hallmark of Barse Company. For instance this is the very first time I see a list of jobs acronyms, something that appears literally on every item description as soon as you start the game. Facepull Starting a fight with enemies by running into their aggro range, rather than by attacking them. H1 / H2 = Designates the healer roles in a full party and used for mechanic positioning assignments. Duty Finder roulettes always sync you to the duty. Extremely common (and perfectly acceptable) for all story content and casual raids. If the healer is competent, even a new tank can survive pulling two packs at a time. SpS Spell Speed, one of the combat substats or its associated materia. Therefore, all 1.0 characters are Warriors of Light OOCly (which is why we . In organized group content such as raids, when the leader calls a break to allow group members a few minutes to take care of real life biological needs, such as getting snacks, going to the bathroom, etc. Speed run groups often look for well-geared and experienced players to run through the dungeon even faster to maximize their gains by getting more dungeons completed. The Offtank will grab the adds and bring them over here. I had rez immunity, but that didnt protect me from the knockback mechanic. Parse: The party intends to clear the fight as optimally as possible to improve their rankings on fflogs.com. Barse - what is it? Thanks! Protean = A mechanic type that involves handling multiple conal AoEs originating from a boss or other actor. All gear that had Accuracy now has Direct Hit Rate in the same amount. Usually up to two abilities can be weaved ("double weaving"), although there are several exceptions, such as abilities with a long animation lock, or if the prior action has a short global cooldown or a cast time allowing room for only one weave. RDM Red Mage, a Magical Ranged Job (Stormblood). CNJ). You can run this roulette on a lower level job for exp or a max level job for tomes. I cant believe this isnt the very first page on Lodestone. Level 70 and they didnt seem to know the basics of tanking at all. The white mage class (WHM) is deceptively one of the most beginner friendly and yet uniquely obtuse healer jobs in the game. FPS Frames per Second. 0 Chest: 5 or more players have already cleared this week. Savage The more difficult version of a normal raid. The primary type of content in the game, where players fight computer-controlled enemies either alone or with a party. Effect ends upon reuse, using another action, or when the effect duration expires. SR = Speed Run; Appended to advertisements when arranging parties for instances, to indicate that you are looking to finish the dungeon as quickly as possible by taking shortcuts and skipping all possible enemies. Updated July 8, 2022 By Banesworth 7 Comments. Stardiver. E.g. Playing the role of your character with other players. 2 chest = No one has cleared the duty for the week (Note this setting can be enforced with [Duty Complete](Weekly Reward Unclaimed)); 1 chest = 1-4 players have cleared for the week; 0 chest = 5 or more players have cleared for the week. ; ; ; ; . Im pretty sure I was in a dungeon with a boosted DRK. Another way of saying the DPS role. SAM Samurai, a Melee DPS Job (Stormblood). Usually used as a greeting. Its against the Terms of Service. Selfish = A job that deals higher personal damage than others in the same role due to lack of party utility (e.g., raid buffs). Also may refer to true north positioning, which is positioning for mechanics based on absolute compass directions, regardless of where the boss is facing. Animation Lock = A time period in which a character is unable to move due to performing the animation of an action, e.g. Clip Delaying your GCD, e.g. Tank Privilege When a Tank survives mistakes due to their high health and defenses. Could refer to the materia or the act of landing a critical hit with an attack. Refers to a mechanic that requires some form of rotation around the arena or the boss. Point-blank An AoE that hits anyone within a certain radius of the enemy casting it. These include Hallowed Ground for Paladin, Holmgang for Warrior, Living Dead for Dark Knight, and Superbolide for Gunbreaker. Used as a greeting or farewell. ATM - "At the moment". If timed properly, the cast will complete without interruption due to server latency. Double weaving is when you press two oGCDS in the time between two GCDs. Players who didnt know each other before hand, but are joining a party for a specific goal, e.g. inv (n.,v.) Cheese: Refers to when a mechanic is executed in an alternate way in order to decrease its difficulty. . I was a big fan of FFXI, and Im enjoying FFXIV even more. Deltascape represents V1-V4. Sync Adjusts your Job level and/or item level set to a specific maximum for a duty. Refers to the first expansion, its storylines, quests, or content which go up to level 60. CD Cooldown. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Its nice when tanks give a countdown before pulling a boss. Sprout = A player with a "New Adventurer" icon. Ive seen enrage on this fight several times, but Ive never been in a group thats killed it. a proc. E.g. Towers Typically refers to a mechanic where one or more circles on the field must be occupied by players in order to prevent party-wide damage and/or debuffs. P# = Pandaemonium raids, with the number indicating the "floor" of the raid. Mob Any insignificant enemy, usually fought in groups at a time. Melding skill speed materia on that piece is only useful if it moves you up a tier. Pop Activate. Many of these definitions were copied from the FFXI dictionary at https://ffxi.gamerescape.com/ The definitions that were too specific to FFXI were omitted due to the chance that they are either different or not applicable to FFXIV. Regen Regeneration effect. It is the first set of blue gear players will acquire. Prog = progression, most commonly in higher-end duties (e.g., prog from X mechanic onwards). A barse is a rogue bus enthusiast in Singapore who is a mechaphile. The Binding Coil of Bahamut represents T1-T5, The Second Coil of Bahamut represents T6-T9, and The Final Coil of Bahamut represents T10-T13. Something there is definitively broken for beginners , Your email address will not be published. "Barse" or "Purse run" may be used as euphemisms for the word parse. Animation Lock The moment when your character is unable to move because they are performing a particular animation from a skill, e.g. Also commonly used with N or S to indicate normal or Savage mode (e.g. Spread Move away from party members to avoid overlapping player targeted AoEs. Haha, I totally forgot that some of these acronyms do have other meanings; Ive updated several of them now. Powerlevel Level quickly through focus and efficiency. Players must abide by the terms and conditions of the game to avoid getting banned for . Commonly used in shout chat; indicates you want to join an existing party. LF = Looking for; A common term used when searching for things or people. Farm Repeat an activity or duty for a specific purpose. WHM). Tank stance = tank actions that can be toggled on/off and significantly increase enmity gained. Im kind of confused though on UwU I see that ALL the time in just general chatter that your explanation doesnt seem to clear up for me? The tanks are going to move to the corners of the arena for their flares, while the rest of the party stacks south. Farm: The party is clearing the duty over and over for loot and/or tokens. the target of an upcoming attack). You can pull wall to wall, Ill be able to heal through it. Soak = To deliberately stand in an enemy AoE, often required for certain boss attacks where failure to do so will cause massive group-wide damage. Blind = Entering a duty without having consulted a guide first. LFM Looking for more. PIE = Piety; A healer-only stat that increases MP regeneration rate. Refers to the second expansion, its storylines, quests, or content which go up to level 70. Bait = To manipulate the location of an enemy AoE attack or target of a mechanic based on where the player is standing. A group of servers/worlds that can interact with each other through Duty Finder and World Visit. Femroe Slang term for a female Roegadyn. iLVL Item Level. A9S refers to Alexander - The Eyes of the Creator (Savage)). Usually embodies each Jobs iconic fantasy aesthetic, and is shown off in expansion trailers. Its best to always stay away from the main tank in case the boss has a cleave. TT Triple Triad. Ilya strat indicates a strategy by Youtuber Ilya Dalamiq. OT Offtank. Can also be in reference to a specific fight mechanic, where players always take their same assigned positions on the map/arena regardless of where the boss happens to be standing/facing. Duration: 5s. 1/8 Goldsmith. A weekly challenge where you complete specific duties (either synced or unsynced) to earn rewards on a bingo-style card. Bene Benediction, a level 50 White Mage oGCD that restores a players HP to full. Name originates from The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate). OCE = Oceanian. I died to trash, so I just released to avoid the weakness debuff. Spin Turn the boss so it faces a different direction. WoD Warrior of Darkness. Intercardinal One of the corner compass directions: Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, and Southwest. DoH = Disciples of Hand; Classes that utilize crafting materials to create various items and gear (ALC, ARM, BSM, CLN, CRP, GSM, LTW, WVR). Refers to the specific equipment pieces at a given item level that result in the best performance. Certain duties have an average iLVL requirement you need to meet before you can enter. RNG = Random Number Generator; a process that is determined by random event. E.g. Im going to do the whole corridor of enemies this pull, get ready. Also refers to a set of items that are required to perform the upgrade. However, they must not have cleared the duty in the current reset week (begins every Tuesday). Could also refer to new things being created or made available to players. Minding your own business, enjoying an online game alone or with friends, until a toxic player goes out of their way to ruin everyone's fun. An S indicates the savage version of the fight. I feel like kicking someone from a group based on numbers is . Wall to Wall When the Tank pulls as many enemies as possible in a dungeon, usually stopping when forced to, by a wall or a boss chamber. - invite - 1) requesting a player to join a party (commonly hunt parties); 2) the act of sending out an invite for a player to join a party or FC. All ERP is MRP, but not all MRP is ERP. Psychology . Kite = To attack a monster while running away often done by ranged attackers to deal damage while avoiding taking damage though it makes it difficult for the tank to pull the monster off. DD: Damage down. The list of players whose chat and emote messages you cannot see. Gaze = An enemy attack that requires players to look away to avoid. Basically experienced players helping one or more individuals with beating encounter. C4# = Clear for (number of people). Usually an effect that has a random, non-guaranteed chance of activating upon using a certain action. DSR Dragonsongs Reprise (Ultimate), a level 90 Ultimate raid. AFK Away from keyboard. And behind the closed doors of virtual houses and apartments, much more went . Sprout A new player, typically with a green sprout icon next to their name indicating the New Adventurer status. Only Melee DPS have positionals. This currency is no longer obtainable. Some people have a hard time seeing the AoE markers in P3S because everything is orange. May also refer to Mordion Gaol ("GM Gaol"). Bio = Bio break. Vet: Veteran. Failing either will lead to a wipe. Did it seem like everyone else understood but you just didnt know what they were talking about? E.g. Color Partners: Refers to strategies where mechanic execution is made easier with the assistance of matching waymarks. o7 Its a little person with their arm raised in a salute. Somewhere between Midcore and Hardcore. W2W / Wall-to-wall = A dungeon pull in which the party engages every enemy group in the path, until they reach a barrier that will prevent further progress until the enemies are defeated. Can refer to your damage output or to the collective role of melee, physical ranged, and magical ranged Jobs. Often telegraphed by a purple eye icon, but may be untelegraphed in high-end duties. Anima = The Anima Weapons series of weapons, introduced in Heavensward. ACN Arcanist, the base class of Scholar and Summoner. To get a housing plot I stood there spamming the placard for ages. What does AF mean Ffxiv? The name of your character. Many things in the game are locked behind this quest progression. BA Baldesion Arsenal. I powerleveled to 80 but Ive just been winging it; whats my rotation? When used after a username, refers to a specific strategy created or popularized by a content creator. Also commonly used with N or S to indicate normal or Savage mode (e.g. Somewhere between Casual and Midcore. Burger King Crown The Mentor Crown icon, specifically in reference to a Mentor who is for example: rude, unhelpful, or bad at the game. Etymology: From bars, from brs, from barsaz, from bhars-. I have a few long term goals Im slowly working on. I love seeing the huge number from a Midare crit. Clock Positions Refers to each party members assigned position during a fight, spaced around the boss like the numbers of a clock. ABC = Always Be Casting, a general principle of combat that states that the most important factor to optimizing damage is to always have the global cooldown active ("rolling") when the enemy is targetable. A previously sent message was sent to the wrong recipient or chat room. Can also refer to defensive and healing action usage orders. Often these need to be popped by running into them, and the effects vary significantly depending on the fight. Usually embodies each Job's iconic fantasy aesthetic, and is shown off in expansion trailers. Anyone want to farm Titania EX for the mount? Do you have enrage exp for this fight? QQ An emoticon for cry or crying. O1(S), O2(S) One of the 12 level 70 fights in the Omega raid series. Often mentioned in the context of handling mechanics in savage or extreme content. Last pull I messed up, but now I think I know where Im supposed to stand. G1 / G2 = Light party groups within a full party, used for mechanic positioning assignments. A2C: Aim to clear. Im used to cheesing the heal check in P3S with ASTs Macrocosmos, but Ill give it a go on WHM. Someone dragged a bunch of mobs over to where I was and I got caught up in the fight. (2) To be barely hit by an AoE attack that the player thought they were safe from. MSQ Main Scenario Quest. Also commonly used with N or S to indicate normal or Savage mode (e.g. They have the Legacy mark, but do not receive other perks. a group in party finder for a savage raid. Animus weapons are ILvl 100. Tomes Tomestones. These icons are seen when a quest requires that you click on a target to be transported to another area or receive a buff necessary to complete a step of the quest..so switch back to lancer and kill it. Hardcast = To cast a spell with a cast bar. Raubahn EX = A running joke in the community that referred to a bottleneck quest battle at the release of Stormblood that was started by talking to Raubahn. E.g. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. T# = Bahamut raids, with the number indicating the "floor" of the raid. The boss is usually untargetable for the entirety or a part of the mechanic, although there are some exceptions. Some tethers can be broken or passed to another player. The numerical value of barse in Chaldean Numerology is: 4, The numerical value of barse in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9. DR = Either Duty Roulette or Delubrum Reginae depending on context. EX Extreme Trial. PUG = Pick Up Group; Used to refer to a group of players that are found via /shout chat, Duty Finder, or Party Finder. Relic weapons), used for glamour purposes rather than combat. Substat As opposed to Mainstat. The practice of intentionally refusing to obtain aggro on an enemy that a non-tank player pulled, or deliberately turning tank stance off (or refusing to turn it on) to try to kill other party members. Note that advertising one's mercenary services in Party Finder is prohibited (e.g. What does BARSE abbreviation stand for? The rules of playing the game; breaking these could lead to punishment by a game moderator. Note that this isn't an "original" or "intended" difficulty setting due to years of Job changes and the availability of better-than-minimum gear even at content release. Tankbuster = A strong attack that is intended to be taken by a tank with mitigation actions. Im about to run Ridorana Lighthouse for WT. Breakpoint The threshold at which substats are converted into meaningful stats or effects. When you see the enemy cast bar blinking red it means you can interrupt that cast. O# = Omega raids, with the number indicating the "floor". DD Damage Dealer. [Practice] : The party is only running the duty to practice mechanics. Youll usually know it refers to a Job skill based on context, such as a conversation happening on a forum thread or discord chat dedicated to a particular Job. You'll see this guide split into two primary sections, a basics overview to get you up and running, and (soon) an advanced topics section that will delve into some of the nuances that make the class a . Victoria is a FFXIV player who's been writing about games for over seven years, including formerly regularly for Polygon and Fanbyte, and also spent some time in The Secret World . For savage raids and extreme trials, if you prefer to go in blind, its best to let the party know ahead of time. Job (n.) - the "upgraded" forms of the base classes. Opener = A sequence of actions used at the start of an encounter designed to maximize damage and set up the job's rotation for the rest of the encounter. Like most online communities, FFXIV has a large amount of lingo that you may be unfamiliar with if youre new to the game, or even new to MMOs in general. WU = walk ups, as in they're open to people randomly RPing with them. DoL Disciple of the Land. FF14 Best DPS Classes (Latest Patch 5.4) A . AK = Amdapor Keep; An entry-level level 50 dungeon that drops iLvl 60 gear. A Role Play term indicating that a player is open to being engaged in Role Play by someone initiating conversation in character. Could also refer to skill queuing, which is a ~0.5s grace period where you can press your next action (usually a GCD) before its ready and the game will perform it as soon as possible. Some titles I play include FFXIV, League of Legends, Fire Emblem, and Minecraft. PUG / Pugging Pick up group. only players who have already cleared the duty are allowed. Evens/Odds/1234: Refers to mechanics where each player is randomly marked with a number from 1-8. Bring big deeps. Stack (Verb) = For multiple players to stand very close together, often required for boss fight mechanics. If timed correctly the spell will still cast because of latency. Im still working on my paladin ARR relic. Lockout = The timer of a duty. Point-blank coming up, move away. Patch A large game update. Clock spots = A common position assignment in high-end duties in which each player is assigned a cardinal or intercardinal compass position (North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest) to handle certain mechanics. HUD Heads-Up Display. Any of the skills that picks a KOd player up off the ground. FFA Free For All. Movement speed is reduced by 50% for the duration of this effect. Catchup The process of getting a character appropriate level equipment, either as a new or returning player. actions that reduce damage taken, MMORPG = Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, Moogle tomes = Irregular Tomestones, which are associated with Moogle Treasure Trove Events. Ive been using daily roulettes and Bozja to level my alt jobs. Eureka became a lot easier later on after they nerfed it. If done properly, this will execute the ability without delaying the global cooldown. Trash In dungeons (or some raids), refers to the numerous easy enemies encountered in between boss fights. Have you ever heard someone say something in game and not known what they were talking about? In Final Fantasy XIV, if you have been very bad, your time-out will come complete with a chastising parent figure and a very literal jail . Prae = The Praetorium; The final dungeon of the 2.0 storyline quests featuring several boss battles and unskippable cutscenes. brb 2 min bio. An S indicates the savage version of the fight. How to Stop Paying Teleport Fees in FFXIV, Grand Company Seals and How to Spend Them, Beginner Guide to Deep Dungeons: PotD and HoH. If the tank pulls a group of enemies, your AoE skills will do way more damage than your single target skills. E9S refers to Eden's Promise: Umbra (Savage)). The party leader expects members to use damage increasing potions in their opener and in DPS burst phases. INC = Incoming: warning for incoming enemies. Contrast to free-for-all (FFA) loot. Also commonly used with N or S to indicate normal or Savage mode (e.g. AST Astrologian, a Healer Job (Heavensward). WoL Warrior of Light. You can queue for all your story dungeons using the DF. CH Critical Hit, one of the combat substats or its associated materia. Tanks and Healers frequently enjoy instaqueues for expert and raid roulettes. Im currently FATE farming for my Shadowbringers relic. See also: Downtime. Refers to who the enemies are targeting for damage. Bonus = Shorthand for "first-time clear" since adventurers new to a duty grant the party a bonus for first-time completion. Affects the rate of slightly higher damage hits. A common phrase after a duty. Rep = Reprisal, replace, or Reputation See also: Tribal Quests, Res/Rez Sickness = Weakness or Brink of Death. E.g. These include Iron Will for Gladiator / Paladin, Defiance for Marauder / Warrior, Grit for Dark Knight, and Royal Guard for Gunbreaker. Theres one in each expansion. After completing the level 20 MSQ Sylph Management, you can do your level 30 Class Quest for your Jobstone. Free Company estates also contain a Company . DoW = Disciples of War; Combat Jobs that output primarily physical damage (PLD, WAR, DRK, GNB, MNK, DRG, SAM, NIN, RPR, BRD, MCH, DNC). Most of these terms are only relevant to high-end content such as Extreme or Savage duties. The gathering Jobs. You, the hero of the game (in game lore, also others who are champions of Hydaelyn). Im looking for a static to learn savage raids this tier. May also refer to Hello World, a mechanic from Alphascape V4.0 (Savage). V# = Omega raids, with the number indicating the "floor". Hes QQing over the WAR nerf. IGN In Game Name. THMR (or other combinations of T, H, M, R) = Refers to the order in which tanks (T), healers (H), acting melee DPS (M), and acting ranged DPS (R) resolve a specific mechanic.

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