child care stabilization grant taxable

Tribes Tribal Lead Agencies have additional flexibilities to meet the unique needs of the populations they serve. OCC encourages tribes to coordinate with states and tribes regarding tribally affiliated children who do not live in the tribal lead agencys service area. The Lead Agency may not terminate assistance for family impacted by COVID-19 prior to the end of the minimum 12-month eligibility period if a family experiences a temporary job loss or temporary change in participation in a training or education activity. Questions are grouped in the drop-down menu below into four major categoriesARP Stabilization Grants, Supplemental Funds, Tribes, and Emergency Responseand each category has subcategories. As this requirement applies to the date of application, a school-age program that is open only during the summer would be eligible for a subgrant if the program applied for the subgrant when it opened again to provide child care services, such as in the summer when the program reopens. When and where will a copy of the slide deck from the C3 training sessions be available? Lead agencies have the flexibility to determine the documentation a child care provider must submit to confirm their current operating expenses and are encouraged to accept a variety of types of documentation and limit burden on applicants. Thus, we suggest that, if any Lead Agency adopts this interpretation, the agency should check eligibility at the time of termination of benefits to determine whether the minimum 12-month eligibility requirement applies or not. Under 45 CFR 98.67(a), Lead Agencies shall expend and account for CCDF funds in accordance with their own laws and procedures for expending and accounting for their own funds. Get more information about KidKare. She can deduct these expenses from the taxes she owes, so she will not owe additional taxes if she receives the grant. The Child Care Relief Fund Technical Assistance Team can be reached by emailing or calling 1-833-613-3192. However, the ARP Act stabilization funds are meant to support the child care sector during and after the COVID-19 public health emergency. Effective August 2022, all CCSG Monthly Reporting of expenditures will be based on the seven categories listed below: Please review the CCSG Reporting Guide for more details. Alternatively, states could provide quality grants to child care providers for supply retention and/or quality improvement activities to benefit the full range of families, which would make the eligibility determination process for individual families immaterial. Lead agencies have the flexibility to disregard bonuses and increases in pay to child care workers as income when determining a child care workers eligibility for CCDF. Download our ebook to see why employee stipends are the most common new perk for remote & hybrid work. IMPORTANT: Recertifications for C3 funding between the months of July 2021 and June 2022 need to be completed no later than Monday. Alternatively, CCDF Lead Agencies also have the option of interpreting the prohibition as applying only during times when schools are open for in-person classes, since there may not be a regular school day during times when schools are closed for in-person classes. Are there other local resources or options for testing? Regarding federal tax rules, please contact your tax preparer or the Internal Revenue Service for guidance. In addition, if the Tribes service area overlaps with other Tribes service areas, Tribes should consult to ensure the children in the adjoining areas are not being served by other Tribes. Supporting Centers in Preparing for Child Care Stabilization Grants Yes. Provider As household income is low enough; she may only owe the 15 percent in social security and Medicare expenses and can keep $2,975 for any use. Do programs need to spend all the grant funding each month? Example 3: Provider uses some of the grant to pay herself and some for business expenses. The American Rescue Plan Act was signed into law in March 2021, providing South Dakota with additional funds designed to help stabilize the child care industry as the state continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Please direct questions to or 971-707-2029 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, Monday through Friday). Personnel costs, including payroll and salaries or similar compensation for an employee (including any sole proprietor or independent contractor), employee benefits, premium pay, or costs for employee recruitment and retention. State, Territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies have broad flexibility to operate the CCDF program and have a number of options within federal statute and regulation to adapt policies in order to maintain continuity of services for families affected by a disaster. Applications submitted after March 30 will generally not be considered. Child care programs may not decrease an hourly employees pay rate but are allowed to decrease the employees hours in a given week. Paycheck Protection. Example 2: Provider uses full amount for business expenses Child care programs may apply for only one of three grant opportunities. Child care services with a tutoring or academic support component that are funded through CCDF subsidies must be paid in accordance with the Lead Agencys CCDF payment rates. For protective services cases, the Lead Agency has the option to waive the family co-payment (in accordance with 45 CFR 98.45(k)(4)) and may waive the income eligibility requirements on a case by case basis in accordance with 45 CFR 98.20(a)(3)(ii)(A). The BIG Program was specifically designed to support businesses who endured lost revenue due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Q: If I was audited, would they just audit my grant or my entire business? Grants will support projects that increase licensed or operational child care slots, add slots to meet new time/day requirements of employees, or fill currently licensed (but unfilled) slots for the benefit of employees. Lead agencies do not have to require additional information at the time of the application as part of the certification process. Lead Agencies may temporarily lower a familys co-payment while the family is experiencing temporary or non-temporary job loss. EEC will work with programs in determining what would be acceptable documentation to support the expending of grant funds and help programs determine how to start collecting this documentation as they use grant funds. We encourage family child care providers to contact their local WIC officeVisit disclaimer pagefor more information. The lead agency may also choose to use funds provided by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) ActVisit disclaimer page to cover copayments for all eligible families. If a program needs to adjust its site capacity, it should contact a licensor or submit an appeal on the grant using the appeal form embedded in the application. Child Care Stabilization Grant OCCRRA is excited about the opportunity to support Ohio's Child Care Stabilization Sub-Grants. This funding has been expended and programs that received a Child Care Restoration Grant in 2020 are required to input monthly reporting into the Director Portal. See the funding breakdown by state, tribe and territory, and more information about the grant on the White House American Rescue Plan Funding Fact Sheet. A: The Child Care Stabilization Grant consists of: program amount + workforce amount + add-ons. Virginia's Child Care Stabilization Grant Program is designed to: Stabilize child care programs now; Support providers to make strategic investments in their programs; Target higher rates of support to providers located in or serving communities hit hardest by the pandemic; and Encourage participation in the Child Care Subsidy Program. For example, if an application was submitted such that the first month of the grant is September, they would need to recertify at the beginning of October. For example, lead agencies may provide stipends to child care providers to cover the cost of transportation to vaccine sites and paid time off to receive the vaccine and recover from any side effects. However, a child care provider that was not licensed, regulated, or registered and met state and local health and safety standards as of March 11, 2021, must meet CCDF requirements at the time of application in order to be eligible for a child care stabilization subgrant. Attestation: You have attested, when open and providing services, to implement policies in line with guidance and orders from state and local authorities and to the greatest extent possible the Wages for child care personnel, pay increases, bonuses, stipends, and benefits are all allowable uses for the grant funds. Can I still deduct them as expenses? As an employee stipend software company that specializes in tax compliance, Compt can serve as your trusted guide to help administer the grant money in the form of an employee stipend, while staying fully compliant with federal tax law. However, tribal lead agencies who do not currently operate under a consortium may coordinate a common framework such that each tribal lead agency establishes the same requirements and procedures for the stabilization grants. Yes, tribal culture or language preservation camps can receive stabilization subgrants. Yes, the CCDF, CARES Act, and CRRSA Act program funds may be spent on COVID-19 testing kits. Grant reporting will be completed in the Professional Development (PD) Registry. The Expenditure Tracker is a template to help track the purchases/payments made using grant award funding. For Group and School Age/Center-Based (GSA)programs, the formula will use a centers total licensed capacity to calculate the base amount of the monthly payment. The Expenditure Tracker can be found on the EEC website under the Resources section: Commonwealth Cares for Children / Child Care Stabilization Grants | Q: Does the federal guidance for this grant require providers to gift any of it to parents? CCDF funds provide financial assistance to low-income families to access child care so they can work or attend a job training or educational program, and provide resources for quality improvement of child care. The program will aim to alleviate some of the economic and operational hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and response. Q Im receiving this grant quarterly through April 2023. Funding for the grants comes from the American Rescue Plan Act. Q: I gifted some of the grant back to parents because of COVID. The responsibilities for document retention are the same regardless of whether you are selected for review. The facility to be constructed must be used principally to provide direct child care services to children. Using Indiana's federal COVID-19 relief funding, the Office of Early Childhood and Out-of-School Learning (OECOSL) launched the Build, Learn, Grow Stabilization grant program to provide critical funding to early childhood and school-age providers, support their program's operating expenses and help them rebuild their programs for the future. This will be necessary to access the various supports offered through the Department. In addition, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136) and the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act of 2021 (Public Law 116-260) provided a combined $13.5 billion in supplemental CCDF program funds to help State, Territory, and Tribal Lead Agencies address COVID-19 impacts, as well as some additional flexibilities for the use of those funds. Law 117-2), signed on March 11, 2021, includes $23.97 billion for child care stabilization grants to be allocated to states, territories, and Tribes based on the current Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) formula. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance suggests staggering drop-off and pick-up times and/or having a child care provider meet children outside of the facility when they arrive. I plan to discount the current family tuition evenly. If a child care provider intends to cover an individuals family subsidy co-payments, they must use funds other than those from EEC. Q: Will getting this grant put me in a higher tax bracket? Child care programs who have received C3 funding are not considered a direct subrecipient of grant funds and, therefore, are not subject to federal reporting. The remaining funds may be used for administering the subgrants, providing technical assistance and support for applying for and accessing these subgrants, publicizing the availability of these subgrants, carrying out activities to increase the supply of child care, and providing technical assistance to help child care providers meet certain policies. However, ACF strongly recommends that Lead Agencies first consult with their jurisdictions public health agency, seek advice on how best to proceed, and coordinate any actions. Emergency Responseincludes FAQs about temporary, short-term measures and existing flexibilities available to Lead Agencies under CCDF that may be taken during the current public health emergency in response to COVID-19. No, provided that child care providers are able to meet the certification by using funds from other sources, they are not required to use ARP Act stabilization subgrant funds for personnel costs, including staff wages and benefits. Tutoring or academic support services that are stand-alone services or delivered outside of child care settings/services are not an allowable use of CCDF. In order to request temporary waivers for extraordinary circumstances in response to emergency situations, the Lead Agency must submit a written request to the Office of Child Care (OCC) Director (with a copy to the OCC Regional Program Manager), indicating the reason why the Lead Agency is requesting the waiver including a description of the extraordinary circumstances. Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, which provides an additional $300 per week to individuals who are collecting regular state or Federal UC, through weeks of unemployment ending on or before March 14, 2021. Yes, Lead Agencies may enroll new providers to meet increased demand. A Plan amendment should not create any delay since the Lead Agency may proceed with implementing the program change, and subsequently submit the amendment within 60 days. No, a program that permanently closed after 3/11/2021, is not eligible to receive an ARP Act stabilization subgrant. Providers must report as taxable income all the money they receive from the Stabilization Grants Explore Tom Copeland's "Child Care Stabilization Grants and New Tax Changes for 2021." and The Tax Implications of the Child Care Stabilization Grants to learn more Resources from Tom Copeland's website Lead agencies may choose to contract with intermediaries, such as counties, child care resource and referral agencies, and staffed family child care networks, to manage the administration of the ARP Act stabilization subgrants. ACF additionally recommends seeking funding outside of CCDF to increase testing capabilities for the broader community. Therefore, providers participating in their ARP Act stabilization subgrant programs may terminate an employee for cause during the subgrant period. If necessary, you may need to include an explanation of how the items or staff time in question fall within the allowable categories. Refer to the disbursement schedule linked within the grant dashboard in the LEAD portal. The government has taken notice, and their answer is The Child Care Stabilization Grant, part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The funds are designed to stabilize the child care sector and to do so in a way that rebuilds a stronger child care system that supports the developmental and learning needs of children, meets parents' needs and supports a professional workforce that is fairly and appropriately compensated for the essential skilled work that they do. The ARP Act stabilization funds are designed to support the child care market as a whole by covering business related expenses. Further, expenses incurred by the intermediaries that are not part of the subgrant (i.e., passed through to an eligible child care provider) will count against the set-aside of either up to 10 percent for states and territories or up to 20 percent for tribal lead agencies. The two-year grant period is scheduled to end in September 2023, meaning eligible employees may receive . The Child Care Stabilization Base Grant's requirement to use 70% of funds to increase compensation for staff regularly caring for children did not apply to One-Time Supplemental Stabilization Grants. However, because this analysis depends heavily on the individuals particular circumstances, we encourage child care workers receiving federal housing assistance to contact their Public Housing Agency (PHA) or Owner for more information. While each state, territory, or tribe can specify the specific uses of grant funds, the funds are intended to support providers general operating expenses, wages and benefits to employees and owners, rent, utilities, cleaning and sanitation supplies and services, and other goods and services needed to maintain or resume operations as well as mental health supports for children, families, and employees. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. Continued non-compliance puts you at risk of losing your CCSG award. And while many child care providers have opened back up, its been anything but easy. A: Depends on what your state says. Within the grant attestation, a provider attests to using the funds for only items in the allowable expenditure categories. Regular email notifications will be sent when payments are released. dollars for the Child Care Stabilization Grants These grants are to provide financial relief to family child care providers and child care centers to cover business costs associated with COVID-19 and to help stabilize their operations This represents a substantial financial benefit to all child care programs! ; Lead agencies that choose to send applications directly to qualified providers or have providers access the applications through a private web portal still must post a copy of the application on their public website. Q: If I transferred money to pay myself earlier but sometimes forgot to make a note, can I go back and fix it? Eligibility Application Recertification Questionnaire Training Grant Funds As such, the loss of TANF could trigger an automatic loss of SNAP and/or WIC for child care workers. Though essential workers are not subject to the income eligibility requirement to receive child care services funded by the COVID-19 supplemental funds, they are subject to the other CCDF program eligibility requirements.

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